
The compiler - Rob van der Bijl (RVDB Urban Planning) - has made every effort to trace the quoted authors of the comic excerpts shown here and to mention them correctly. If and insofar as these authors and their publishers discover inaccuracies or incompleteness, they can contact Van der Bijl about this, after which correction and / or addition will be taken care of. Rob van der Bijl (RVDB Urban Planning) cannot be held liable for the content of the series At that moment, in Paris.

© Marnix Rueb - Fuck!! Wa' kind o' ice palace!! (Sentence translated by us form The Hague Slang into Liverpool's Scouse)

The copyright of At that moment, in Paris rests with Rob van der Bijl (RVDB Urban Planning). All rights of linked sites (names and logos, as well as related texts, images and other forms of media) rest with their respective owners. It is not permitted to store and / or distribute information (including texts, images, sound and HTML codes) via electronic and printed media or in any other way without written permission of Van der Bijl.


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